34 weeks!

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heartburn and Soreness

so i'm using scott's computer and his shift button, and a few others on the keyboard, only work part of the time, so excuse the non-capitol letters and such typos.

Well I officially have less than three weeks to wait until we find out what is in my belly, a boy or a girl!
i also got the results of my quad screening back yesterday and baby bean passed all the way around :) negative for all four disorders! so that was some great news. i wasn't worried about it before, but then when i called for the results i got really worried. but all sounds good, and now we just have our anatomy scan to look forward to! may 17th!

today, all day, i've had really bad heartburn. in my first trimester i had bad heartburn a lot too, and usually if i laid down it got worse. if i sat up or drank some milk it got better. well today, it doesn't matter how i sit or lay, it is bad. i drank milk, water, ate cereal, and nothing makes it any better. the last few days i've had mild heartburn occasionally, but today has been the worst in awhile. i hope this means that i'm growing and everything is moving around a bit.

i've also been really sore lately. pulling and twitching here and there and every once in awhile, just plain sore. mostly after sleeping or laying down too long then moving a lot or after a day at work.

i also have been having trouble sleeping. a lot of trouble. it takes awhile to get to sleep and then once i do, i wake often to use the bathroom, then i get pains in my hip, like pinching and pulling, and it makes it really really tough to either go back to sleep, stay asleep, or sleep past like 6-7am. it really stinks. all i want to do is have a good sleep. i've been putting a pillow between my legs and that has been helping a little. this morning i was sleeping reaelly well and was so happy, but then at 8am one of the cats knocked something off th table and i thought it was on of scott's models (they had broke one the morning before) so I was worrid and couldn't go back to sleep. I was mad. so when scott woke up at 8:30 to go to th bathroom I was all sassy and was like 'i'm not responsible for your models anymore. if they fall down and break don't complain because you knew the cats were trouble makers and you didn't move them last night.' haha. i apologized but...i think I was right so...idc..too much :)

well those are the problems i've been having lately. but i'm still happy. :) loving my little baby and rubbing my cute little belly. its tough getting bigger, but i love being able to hold my belly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

16 weeks

Well yesterday I was officially 16 weeks! So exciting!

I took my picture and I think it definitely looks like I've grown a little. I think I've grown on the lower part a bit. I think it looks like I'm carrying lower and I heard you carry boys lower than girls.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kicks and Beats

Yesterday was amazing.

I was sitting in the living room at my parents' house. I was watching tv and flipping through the channel guide when I felt it. A little tickle, a few inches below my belly button. I paused and held still for a second. I told my mom and she said it sounds like a baby kick! She said thats how it feels at first. I was surprised, but super excited. It really reassured me that Baby Bean is in there and doing okay.

I had a doctor appointment today. I'm 15 weeks and 6 days. I got there and they took my weight. According to their scale I've lost a pound since the last time I was there. They took my blood pressure which was 130/70 (or so) which they said was good. They asked me a few questions, how I was feeling and whether or not I had felt the baby move, and then the doctor came in. She told me that around 15 weeks is when you can do a blood test to test for any extra risk of four different genetic disorders (downs, trisomy 18, spina bifida, and neural tube defects) I wasn't sure at first whether I wanted to do this test because it really wouldn't matter to me if my child was affected by any of these conditions, but I think it would be nice to know. It isn't invasive at all, and only tells you if your baby is at a higher risk for these conditions. (ex 1 in 100, 1 in 1000, etc) So I decided to have the test.

Dr. Thousand checked for Baby Bean's heartbeat and found it pretty fast. It was in the 150's and right where I felt the tickles yesterday. It was so excited and louder than we heard it the last time. It was really exciting for sure! :) I always love hearing that little whooshing sound! Soooo amazing!

After that, I was all done, it was pretty quick..but exciting. Then I went to the lab for the blood tests. It was only one vial so it was pretty short, thank goodness. The first blood draw I had at my first appointment kind of stunk because it was four big vials and took FOREVER! Well it felt like it! The nurse said that the results usually come back in about a week and I can call for the results. I'm a little nervous but I'm happy about the other things, like the tickles and heartbeat, so hopefully I won't think about the test results too much.

But all in all it was a pretty good appointment. Of course I'm nervous about the results, but even Dr. Thousand said that with the results that most of the time when they came back pretty high chances, that they will still be totally okay. That makes me nervous. I don't want a false worry. But I'm hopeful and happy right now. I'm less stressed after hearing that beautiful heartbeat. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010


Well...apparently I'm really behind on my blog this week.
I guess I've just had to take a break because I've been in Madison and not spent too much time on the computer.

We went to Target on Saturday to register for my baby shower in Green Bay. It was a lot of fun and they had some really cute stuff. Sometimes it is overwhelming looking at all the stuff...but at other times its exciting. We even found a changing table that matched my crib. I love it. I'm so excited!!

I think my belly grew a little last night. According to baby center, week sixteen is the beginning of a big growth spurt. I'll be sixteen weeks on Wednesday, which is very exciting.

I wish that I could find out the gender at my appointment tomorrow, but the doctor said I have to wait for my week twenty ultrasound. Well I plan to schedule it for the day I turn twenty weeks EXACTLY! I just can't wait! I'll be twenty weeks on May 19th! So excited!!!

I am very excited for appointment tomorrow. I've been so nervous lately and I really think that this appointment will help put me at ease. I Just need to hear baby bean's heartbeat again. I just need to feel better!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm in a fucking bad mood.
I'm SICK of stressing out.
I'm SO sick of being scared.

I want to feel my baby!
I want to see my baby!
I want to feel relaxed!
I want to hear my baby's heartbeat.

I'm SICK of waiting for my next appointment!
I'm SICK of being scared!
I'm SICK of this.

I've cried like three times today already. I just want everything to HURRY UP! I want to go to the doctor! I want to hear my baby's heartbeat again and just know that he/she is still there! I love this little being inside of me so much...so much more than I could ever imagine. I'm just praying and hoping that everything is okay and going according to plan. To God's plans. I need to be strong for my child ... but I'm finding it really hard today. At least I only have a week to go. I'm so ready to be in the room and hearing my baby's heartbeat again. Hopefully even stronger than last time!!!! I'm just READY!

I just need to focus on the things that are keeping me strong. My baby bump. My round ligament pains. Sometimes the heartburn. I don't know. I would give anything to see an ultrasound of my baby right now.

Today is just a bad day.
I have my good days and I have my bad days. Today...is a bad day.
Today, so far, on a scale of one to ten is a 2. Definitely a 1-2.

Monday, April 12, 2010

So fast!

Sometimes I feel like this is going SO FAST!
It feels like just yesterday I was turning 14 weeks! It feels like just yesterday I felt my first round ligament pains! It feels like just yesterday I took my 3 months picture! It feels like just yesterday I popped out and started showing more! It feels like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant!...

When in reality..its officially been two months since I found out and now I'm already fourteen weeks and FIVE days! that means in two days I'll be FIFTEEN WEEKS! I can't believe it! I'm almost four months! Which means only one more month and I can find out what we are having!! I'm SO sure its a boy. I'm sure I've already said that though! Sometimes it feels like its going SO slow...I wish that I was farther along and could feel my baby kicking or see my baby again. But then again I want to be happy and remember this time!

The round ligament pains have sucked so bad recently. I've been kind of scared about some of them because they have been sudden and sharp at times. Its been concerning me. But I read on baby center today about how some other women's feel, and I guess these are actually very normal. Reading that made me feel so much better!

Also, this morning I felt SO sick. I threw up a lot, and I had nothing in my stomach so it was really painful. I called my doctor's office and the nurse said I was either dehydrated or had a virus. I'm not really sure either way, but I'm guessing it was a virus because I know I've been drinking a lot and I don't think I show many other symptoms of dehydration. Well just in case, I sent Scott to the store to get some gatorade. I've downing that a lot since he got it. I've drank over 32 oz. so far. Its recommended you drink between 48-64 oz. of water per day. I'll definitely have to drink some water soon too. I don't want too much sugar, which is in Gatorade.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Round ligament pains


That is all I can say. Currently, I'm having a lot of discomfort in my hips and my groin. Apparently some of the groin pain is just pulling of tendons and stuff. I read that the pain is from all the moving and expanding going on down there. The round ligament pain is from ligaments pulling and stretching as your body starts to expand.

Its tough. I was feeling it a lot last week, and I grew a lot so I'm not really surprised that I was feeling so much stretching. I'm guessing I'm still growing more, which makes me feel good that Baby Bean is doing well in there.

But they are annoying and sometimes painful because they can make me really sore. Even laying on my side doesn't help because then I'm putting pressure on some other ligaments. It's like no matter which way I turn, they feel sore.

I shouldn't complain really. I'm so thankful for this gift the lord has given me. It truly is a beautiful miracle that I've been given. There are times that are tough, and things that hurt and bother me, but I love this baby inside of me more than anything I have ever loved before. Its indescribable the amount of love and connection I feel to this child. I don't want to see ungrateful or unhappy about being pregnant or anything...because honestly it is the most amazing experience I've ever been through. Its definitely different than what I imagined it would be...but I also never would have imagined how amazing this would feel and how connected I would be to the little being inside me.

Its a crazy concept to think that I'm growing a human. That Scott and I came together to make one being. That a little of me and a little of him hold the key to this thing I love so much. I wonder who he or she will look like. Will he have Scott's big eyebrows? Will she have my blue eyes? Will he have Scott's dark hair? Will she have my lips? I wonder...and most of all I wonder...will he or she be healthy and happy?

Will I be good enough...?

14 weeks

Well Yesterday I turned fourteen weeks! and I can't believe it really! I'm feeling pretty good. I've been having a lot of round ligament pains. Yesterday I had some pretty bad pains that just came whooshing in for a few minutes. It wasn't too long, I laid down on my left side and then I felt a lot better. I think it was because I was all hunched over eating and on the computer. I felt better later and just got the normal nagging pains.

Here is my belly picture at 8 weeks

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Here is my belly picture at 13 weeks and 6 days
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Told you I popped out a bit! Its crazy! It is crazy to see how much I've grown in just a few weeks! I love it! And now that I'm looking at it, even my chest looks bigger! I'm just growing all around I guess!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter was a really nice time. I was a little sick (AGAIN!!) I got a sore throat the day that we got there.

We left on Thursday and got there right when Cyd, Scott, Jewel, and Natalie arrived. It was great to see them, since we haven't seen them in a long time. The girls are getting so big and talking so much. It was nice because they could play more on their own and didn't need people quite as much. Which was nice because I wasn't feeling too hot. I was tired from traveling and my throat hurt.
Thursday we just hung out, had pizza for dinner, then went to church.

Friday, I woke up early. Scott went to meet with some counselors from MATC. I went with my parents to stop by their tax place, then drove to my great grandma's house to take a picture with her. But apparently, since she is catholic, she couldn't talk to us until after 3 pm. Apparently, Catholics don't talk from 1-3 on Good Friday. We arrived at 1:30 and since we had a lot of grocery shopping to do, dad wouldn't let us stay till she got up. It stunk. Grocery shopping seemed like it took FOREVER. I was NOT feeling well. My throat was sore, and standing that long was taking its toll. My back hurts and my hips were sore. So I went and sat at the front of the store waiting for them. We went to church that night too.

Saturday Cyd and Scott went up to Oshkosh to visit the outlet mall, and my mom and dad went shopping. I stayed home and hung out with the girls. That afternoon, Cyd, my mom, and I went to Babies R Us and registered for my baby showers. It was fun, and overwhelming. I enjoyed seeing all the new stuff. I can't imagine I'll get near that much stuff...but its fun to look at it all. We went home, had dinner, I watched some tv, then we did some crafting.

Sunday, we went to early church, relaxed for awhile, had Easter dinner, and relaxed some more. The girls did an egg hunt, my mom and scott hung out in the craft room, dad cooked. I set the table and did dishes. I got to wear my new dress and I loved it.

I have some great pictures of my growing belly from that weekend but I forgot to upload them from my grandma's camera before we left this morning.

All the soreness I was feeling last week and the pinching and pulling must have been some major growing pains. I feel like between friday and sunday I really popped out a lot. It made me happy to hear that I was starting to show. I felt a little more pregnant and not so fat.
I can't wait to upload pictures!

AND on WEDNESDAY I AM OFFICIALLY OUT OF THE FIRST TRIMESTER! Week 13 was a little iffy because some websites will say 13 is the end of the first trimester and some say week 14. Well I'll be fourteen so...no matter who you ask, I'm DEFINITELY out of the first trimester! I can't wait till my next appointment! It is officially two weeks from tomorrow!! YAY!