34 weeks!

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well I've been a little Lax about posting lately. I really hope I can get back into it.

Scott has been gone all weekend and its been really tough without him here. I've gotten so used to him taking care of me...so its been kind of difficult not having him here. He should be back around 11 pm tonight, so just a few hours. I'll be very glad to have him back.

I can't believe that I'm TWELVE WEEKS!
I remember when I first found out that I was pregnant and the doctor told me that 12 weeks was the time to shoot for. The risk would go down a lot at twelve weeks. I'm so happy. I'm a little late on updating this so I'm officially 12 weeks and four days now! WOWZA

I only have a bout a week and two days left before I'm OFFICIALLY in my second trimester. SO exciting!

Next week is Easter, So I'm excited to go home for that. I bought an easter dress when I first found out I was pregnant, so that seems like so long ago. I make all these plans and then when they finally come around, it seems like FOREVER ago that I made the plans. Sometimes I wonder if I ever really thought they would come.

I bought my first maternity clothes yesterday. Well my first official ones. I bought a pair of pants back when I was bloated, but I don't really wear them right now. Mom gave me a gift card to Old Navy so I got some stuff that was on sale the other day. I got two nice regular shirts, a tank top that has some pretty red flowers, and some shorts.

Well not too much to update past that. :) All is well here. I'm a little sore these past few days, I think that means I'm growing more!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well an important thing to remember, is that late on Saturday night, I went into the Emergency Room. I was not excited about this trip, but in the end I was glad we went.

There is a new emergency center (St.Mary's) in Sun Prairie, and it was beautiful. I felt comfortable, and unafraid. Everyone was so nice and attentive. They were also very very quick! :) I was, I believe, one of two people there at that point. I think we were in and out in less than thirty minutes.

I had been very sick this last week, and on Friday (and possibly Saturday) had a fever too. With the stuffy nose and drainage, I was having a lot of trouble breathing. It got to the point where I really felt light headed and very dizzy when I would move or stand up. I got scared and told my mom more about it, who then called the nurse on call.

I was lucky, because sometimes, though helpful, some of the staff at the nurse on call centers, are not so ... comforting. They are very knowledgeable and helpful, however not so comforting. Which is really something that I need being 11 weeks pregnant (at times) (this is why I love my new doctor's office and her nurses (more about that soon I hope!!)) Well I got to talk to a very nice woman, and when I got really upset and started crying, because I was worried this was hurting my baby, she was very nice about it and didn't get annoyed, or even seem that way. She said that I should come in to be seen at the ER.

So we headed off and when we got there, I got to lay down in one of the nice new rooms. They took my temp (normal) blood pressure (good) and pulse. They listened to my lungs, and they sounded fine as well; which was a relief. I was worried, with my history, that I might have pneumonia or something. Thank goodness that wasn't it, just a cold with a lot of drainage.

So they gave me a Nebulizer treatment to help open up my airways and help me breathe deeper. I had to breathe in and out on the machine for ten minutes ish. It sucked because it was like using an inhaler for ten minutes straight, and I never liked the way the medicine in the inhalers tasted! But this helped a lot, so I was happy.

Scott and my mom went with me to the Emergency room. I was so happy Scott went, because when they first were checking me out, they checked the baby's heartbeat. Scott hadn't heard it yet (at least not first hand (just on a recorded video)) and it was great that he could! Then, after I finished the nebulizer, and they decided to prescribe me an inhaler, I asked if we could hear the heartbeat one more time, with my mom in the room.

At first, she was was calling my brother while we were looking for the heartbeat, so I was getting really P/Oed at her! But after I yelled her, she knocked it off, and we got the LOUDEST heartbeat reading yet! It was a strong one! So great!

Week 12 is when my uterus will really start to rise above my pelvic bone, so I'm sure we will be getting more of those beautiful strong heartbeats!! Its such an amazing sound that I just LOVE to hear more than anything!

The inhaler has been helping a lot too. I definitely notice a difference in my breathing. I'm coughing a lot lately, but its more because I just get these tickles in my throat that won't go away. I had a cough like this before I even got sick. I think it might be a side affect to my pregnancy. Its annoying but...I'm glad to be feeling better!


Sorry I have no words as to describe this day. Except for what it is, today.
Today is pretty ordinary.
Today I am feeling better than the day before.
Today I am a little stressed.
Today I am trying to decide whether or not to take my citalopram.
Today we arrived back in Green Bay.
Today I read a lot.
Today I am writing in my blog again after a pretty long break.
Today I am relaxing.
Today I worked for the first time in a week.
Today I am tired.
Today I cannot sleep.
Today I am still annoyed that regardless of the fact that I am very tired, I cannot sleep.
Today I am happy that it is today.
Today I am happy to realize that I am one day closer to October 6th!
Today I promise, to myself, that I will get back into the swing of things with this blog.

Today...is just another day.
Today is NOT just another day.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

11 weeks!

HOLY SMOKES! 11 weeks...WOW
I'm almost out of the first trimester...
my first trimester lasts until March 30th. WOW! Like two weeks! I can't believe it! SO happy!
Dr. Ranum told me that the risks from here, for miscarriage, are as low as they get. He said that the heartbeat was strong.

I'm so happy.


Right now I'm doing a lot of thinking. Thinking about cleaning out the closets to make more storage in the house. Thinking about baby stuff. Thinking about baby showers. Thinking about if its a boy or a girl. Thinking about cars. Thinking about moving.

So much to think about. But its all happy stuff. I talked to Ben about possibly switching cars. He has a four door Honda which will be SO much easier to get a car seat in, rather than my little two door toyota.

wow. I can't even believe that it is baby bean's 11 week birthday today! WOWZA!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Monday was the most amazing day of my life ... ever. At least in the top five...actually top three.
It was perfect.
I was so scared as of lately..
and when he pulled out that little doppler...
and put it to my stomach...
and gave me that ear piece...

Words cannot describe it.

Its the most amazing...beautiful thing.

Especially after all the scary things I've read and the worries I've had.

I don't even want to think about those things anymore...all I want to remember are the beautiful whooshing sounds that I heard.

with the ear pieces in...it was like it was a beautiful sound meant just for me. It was like a little secret that only I could hear.
It became SO real in that moment.

It is definitely something I will remember for the REST of my life.
God it was amazing.

I can't even describe it. If its something that you've never heard then you cannot describe it and just reading my words cannot truly help you to understand.
Its definitely one of the most amazing experiences.
To know that I am housing that beautiful thing. To know that I was picked to carry it and bring it into the world. god....amazing.

I can't wait till my next appointment, on Friday, so that I can hopefully get a recording of the heartbeat.
Its amazing. And I want to share with everyone. I'm sad that I didn't get to share it with Scott, but I can't wait for him to hear it. Its so real then. So real. So beautiful. So amazing.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Keeping busy

I'm doing my best to keep distracted these days.
Last night, Scott and I went out to a Japanese Hibachi restaurant in Green Bay called Nakashimas. It was a lot of fun and we just got to relax and enjoy it.
The food was very good too.
Then we just relaxed the rest of the night. Here are some picture updates :) :
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Yummy, natural Breyer's ice cream :)! Strawberry, a nice spring flavor!
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Cutie pie :)
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Ruby! Aw :)
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Its hard to take a picture of Josie. Or get many, she just moves so much! I have about thirty that just weren't good! and I got this one!
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Oh and this one of Josie is fun too!
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and of course this is how ruby plays. Mostly watching from the sidelines! :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tough Days

Recently its been tough to get through the days of work. This morning however, suddenly I even felt the sciatica when I woke up. Normally, if I'm laying down, it isn't TOO bad....but last night and this morning, its been really tough. Crazy. I think it will help to have the week off. Thank goodness.
Its been really difficult to make it through work each night. Each night, my leg gets worse and worse throughout the night, and then I have to stand in one place and roll silverware and...UGH its off the charts painful and when I stand in one place, its hard to walk again. SO rough.
Scott and I went to target this morning, to get him some stuff for his new job. We got him two nice pairs of khaki pants, and some new shoes (which were nice and very reasonably priced) Then I found (ON THE CLEARANCE RACK FOR FIVE BUCKS) red converse! Which I have ALWAYS wanted! Then we looked at pregnancy pillows. People online have recommended these to help with back pain and stuff. We found one, and I really wanted it...but its $50! That just seems like a lot to me. Who knows, we will see what happens. If it gets worse, then I'll be willing to try anything. We also found TONS of stuff that I want to register for! :)
Then we had a nice lunch at a Mexican restaurant called Margaritas. I had a yummy N/A margarita. and we just had a really nice lunch.
It was a good day, and now I'm thinking its time for a nap!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Great. Didn't I say that I needed to sleep! All I really needed to do was sleep. It would make me a lot less cranky!
OH guess what time it is 5am. Guess what time Josie walked by and knocked a FULL glass of water over right on top of me? 4 am. What a WONDERFUL way to wake up!!

Now I can't go back to sleep.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



All of the above or just plain hormonal?

I'm SO freaking crabby tonight..it's NOT even funny. I feel like I want to scratch peoples' faces off. GAH!
It sucks because I was in such a good mood tonight. I don't understand what happened! :( Bummer. Seriously I'm annoyed at everyone on facebook. People who are messaging me, who I normally have patience for, are just...PISSING ME OFF! I don't know why, they are just VERY annoying. Even Scott is making me angry. Which I don't understand, because he NEVER annoys me (except when he talks to me while I'm on the phone) He just seems like he needs so much attention tonight! I just want to be left alone. I think I should just read a book or something. I need to step away for a little bit. I wish it were light and springy outside right now and I could go outside and read. UGH. Its been really foggy and rainy all day, maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know.
I'm just DONE.
I'm SO done trying tonight. I want to go to sleep, but then again I don't. I don't work in the morning...so I keep thinking 'Oh you can just sleep in in the morning'...but then I remember that for some reason, when I'm prego (I think its my body preparing me for having a baby) I can't sleep in. I can't sleep past like 7-8 am. For some reason, I can get up and go to the bathroom a billion times during the night, but when I get up at like 7-8...I just CANNOT go back to sleep.

I hear thumping downstairs ... the cats are probably doing something annoying.

Actually about the only person NOT pissing me off right now ... is Molly. Not sure why, but she is being perfect Molly as always. Not TOO lovey, just right. Sometimes she can get annoying and get all in my face and on the computer, but she's just been laying next to me and putting her arms on my and stuff. Its just the right amount of cuddling.

UGH AND OUR ANNOYING NEIGHBOR (who goes outside to smoke, which is nice so our basement and bathroom don't smell like smoke) KEEPS SMOKING AND THE SMELL KEEPS WAFTING INTO OUR LIVING ROOM! UGGGH


Geez louise. I'm am so pissy. What is my problem?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 Weeks!

Wow. Officially double digits! Can you believe it?
I can't! Well..I can but I can't. Sometimes I feel like it has been FOREVER. and other times I feel like its all just started. Other times I feel like it is zooming by! I can believe that only a few weeks ago I was only 8 weeks or 6. I don't know, some times it is overwhelming, but most of the time, its pretty awesome!

I love the idea of being pregnant, but its definitely not what I thought it would be. I've been getting light headed lately, and get plenty of headaches. But the worries are constant and debilitating at times. I have always known that about the ONLY thing I want to do with my life, for sure, was be a mom. I always pictured being pregnant as an AMAZING experience. But its been a lot tougher than I expected. I've seen a lot of posts on babycenter lately about "when does the fear stop" or "constant worries." Its tough to read, at times, but then I realize that at least I'm not the only one. But then again, its tough to know that it won't go away. But I'm just trying to push it out of my mind and think about the positive things that I have going on!

Today I am 10 WEEKS! Double digits officially! Thats a great feeling! WOW! Yesterday, Monday, I told my Aunt Pat. I was so happy to tell her. I was scared at first, but I know that my Aunt Pat loves me SO much, and has ALWAYS supported me. She is such an amazing person, and I knew that she would be happy for me. I shouldn't have been scared at all, because she was happy. It felt nice to tell someone who I wasn't worried would get mad or sad or disappointed. I've decided the only people that I PERSONALLY will tell from now on, will be people who will be happy for me. If someone isn't going to be happy for me, then I'm not going to tell them! Someone else can! Haha! I don't need that stress! :P :)

Well, today Baby Bean is officially 10 weeks and is now called a "fetus." He/She is now about 1 inch long and weighs about 5 grams. I still feel like its a boy. But who knows! I honestly just do NOT care. All I want is a healthy happy baby! :)

Some more good news, Scott got a JOB!! I am SO freaking happy about this! He had applied, back in January, for a job with the US Census Bureau. He will be going out and about working with the census. He starts next week, which is the only bummer because that is our Spring Break and we had plans to go to Waunakee, he has training 8 hours a day, five days a week next week! Plus, the best part...he will start making $14.25 an hour!!!! That will be SO great! I'm so happy for him to start! I am very sad that I won't get to be with him the whole time during our spring break, but it was the perfect time for him to do the training because he doesn't have class at all that week, so nothing will interfere. This does mean I will have to go to the doctor's office all by myself, but I'm hoping I will have some great reports to call back home with! :) Another great thing, it lasts 8 weeks, which is perfect because we are moving the first week of June, so this way, he will work until the second to last week of May, then we will finish school, pack up, and ship out! :)

I'm so excited to go home this coming week. It will be a wonderful distraction from the stresses! Plus I have my doctor's appointment that I have been waiting for, for what feels like EVER! I'm SO excited. I'm PRAYING that I will get to hear Baby Bean's heartbeat! (It was tough to write "I" there, and not "we"...but its all for the best really) I'm so excited! A lot of people, on the forums, got to hear their heartbeat around 7-8 weeks, and I'll be 10 weeks and 5 days at the appointment on Monday, so I'm hoping that, even with my pudgy belly, I'll still get to hear SOMETHING!!! *prays*

PS It's raining outside. I love it so much! I can't see it, or really hear it, but I know its out there...and I love it! I can't wait for more snow to melt so that I can go on some walks and hang out at the park!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Its been tough lately. Everything. Life.
I was thinking today...when I was younger..did I EVER picture that this would be my life? Being engaged and pregnant at 21? Moving back to Madison. Taking a break from school. Crazy. I'm not trying to complain, believe me, that is the LAST thing I want to do. I'm really happy now. I just love to picture sitting at home playing with my child. Hearing him or her laugh, seeing them smile, or yawn. I love the idea. Its just a crazy thought...that this is my life. Wowza.

Anyway, I've been needing some distractions of late, so we've been finding some nice things to do. Friday we went out to dinner at Old Chicago, then relaxed and watched tv. Saturday and Sunday I had to work. Monday I worked, then went out to a late late breakfast with Brooke at Denny's. Its been nice to get out of the house and not think about anything stressful.

So Saturday morning Scott and I went to a paint your own pottery place. It was really fun and something that I had been wanting to do with Scott for a long time. I'm hoping maybe we can do it again sometime! I would like to paint something for baby bean! (I won a painting online on a woman's blog that says "twinkle twinkle little star" and its SO cute! I want to decorate the room based on it, so it might be fun to paint a star or something!) They had a little plaque you could paint, that had lines for name, birth date, height, weight. It was very cute!

So Scott painted me a monkey (since I call him monkey) and I painted a little vase thing. It was really fun! So here are some pictures:
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Look at the cute monkey scott made! :) <3 What a great day!


Well, I tried to post these before, and for some reason, it just DOESN'T want to work for me, so here it goes again!
A few pictures for me to remember everything by!
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My positive test! Actually...true story, this isn't the REAL first test. I used the digital ones and in all the hubub of finding out, I forgot to take pictures! I know..CRAZY! Then the screen shut off, so I had to do another one, just to take pictures with :)
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Molly is very excited...we think :P
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Yeah I have been breaking out a lot lately...I definitely do not get the "pregnancy glow"
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and last but not least...my favorite photo! :)

Cuddling Kitten

Molly has been a very big "mommy's girl" lately. They same that cats can actually sense pregnancy hormones...and I seriously wonder...is this whats going on with Molly?
Molly is kind of the baby of the family and she really is my girl. She cuddles with me all the time and always comes to greet me when I get home. She sleeps by us at night and cuddles by me during the day.
But recently, she's been cuddly on a whole new level. She gets RIGHT up in my face and won't move. She purrs SO loudly and just wants to be by me all night.
But who knows :) I love her tons :)
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and all I can imagine molly saying, in the picture below, "What...What is THIS?! Mom...Mom...I thought I WAS THE BABY!?"
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

62 to wind down before bed.

1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? Dr. Bronner's organic soap
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No way. Not season for it yet! But I can't WAIT! Sounds SO good right now!
3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator? Probably haha.
4. Are there any dirty dishes in your sink? I don't know. Probably lol.
5. What would you change about your living room? I wish I had a recliner! It would really help my heartburn and sciatica to sleep in a recliner right now!
6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Dirty
7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry? No. We like fresh mushrooms
8. White or wheat bread? wheat. usually white but...I'm doing it all for baby bean now! :) <3
9. What is on top of your refrigerator? A clear cookie jar that is filled with plastic grocery bags.
10. What color is your sofa? Dark Maroon leather.
11. What color or design is on your shower curtain? Stripes: Teal, blue, white, and yellow.
12. How many plants are in your home? zero live ones. I wanted some but...just too much work lol.
13. How many candles are in your home? LOTS
14. Is your bed made right now? HA! No way.
15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it? white
16. Electric or standard can opener? standard
17. Theme in your living room? "whatever we can get" haha.
18. Colors in the bedroom? red, orange, black, white green blue
19. Colors of your bathroom? teal, yellow, white, blue
20. Comet or Soft Scrub?
21. Is your closet organized? NO way dude. I Don't really use my closet that much. Too lazy to hang stuff up!
22. What color is the flashlight that you use the most? red. Scott got a key chain one at a warhammer tournament last year, and its actually come in handy!
23. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer? coupons, pens, paper clips, scissors, tape, mail, junk, batteries.
24. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? glass. Andy told me plastic is bad for baby development because of ..BPA? BPHA? I don't remember.
25. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No thanks.
26. If you have a garage, is it cluttered? No garage. Just the outside and yes, it is cluttered.
27. Curtains or blinds? We have both, but the blinds were already in here and they are broken and we NEVER use them.
28. How many pillows do you sleep with? One. Sometimes two. One under my head, hugging one to my stomach.
29. Do you sleep with any lights on at night? Scott likes to leave the light on above the kitchen sink, but I hate it. Too bright! UGGG. My eyes adjust to the dark after about 30 seconds so I don't need a light to get to the bathroom
30. How many ceiling fans are in your home? 0
31. How often do you vacuum? Whenever Scott does. He's Mr.Mom
32. Standard toothbrush or electric? electric
33. What color is your toothbrush? Pink, white and silver
34. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? We have a mat, but it doesn't say welcome.
35. What is in your oven right now? Scott puts a few pots and pans in there. But I don't, otherwise I ALWAYS forget they are in there!
36. Is your microwave clean or dirty? Dirty
37. Is there anything under your bed? Some stray socks and clothes
38. Chore you hate doing the most? folding laundry
39. What retro items are in your home? IDK
40. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Nope. Unless you count my couch
41. If you have a yard, who mows it?
42. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now? cat toys, cat hair, cat food.
43. How many mirrors are in your home? 1
44. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? No
45. What color are your walls? All white. Boo.
46. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper? None
47. Do you have a peephole in your front door? Yes.
48. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? Ruby. She's all we need.
49. What does your home smell like right now? Us.
50. Fave candle scent? Clean Cotton by Yankee Candle
51. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? Midget dill pickles. The best kind!
52. What color is your Bible? Dark teal
53. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen? No. Well when we moved in it felt like a lot, I guess it is compared to the old apartment.
54. Do you own a stereo? yes
55. How many tvs do you have? 3
56. How many house phones? 0
57. Do you have a housekeeper? Yes. His name is Scott. He is the stay at home mom and I'm the worker bee right now
58. Do you like solids or prints in your decorating? Both.
59. Is there a smoke detector in your home? Yes...but BAD ME, its disconnected because it is SO MOTHER FREAKING LOUD, and we have very high ceilings so it echos. Plus its SUPER sensitive!
60. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip? Scott, the cats, my camera, the baby picture of Scott next to my bed, with his air force pictures and my scrapbooks. OH AND TRACKER my stuffed dog.
61. Do you know how to work your electrical box? No. Do we have one? Lol
62. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you? 62-65

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Well this week has just been a roller coaster of emotions. Mostly negative emotions are what I've been experiencing this week. Its like...I'm either sad, or crabby. Yesterday I started off the morning feeling pretty down in the dumps. I went online, and then started to worry. Yesterday it had officially been 3 weeks since the last time I saw my baby. I worried that maybe he or she wasn't there any more or just...IDK had stopped growing or disappeared. It was a scary thought and all I really wanted to do was go to the ER and get an ultrasound. I called my new OBGYN and her nurse really helped to talk me down.

She suggested that I start taking my anti-anxiety again, however, I'm still scared. They call it a "Class C" medication. Class D medications are completely safe, and class c's can be taken. They are considered only if the benefits out weigh the risks. While my doctor may believe that the benefits outweigh the risks, I don't really feel the same. I want to know...what are the risks!? What could happen? I want this baby so badly, I love it more than anything I can describe and to know that I may be selfish and take some medication that may harm him/her would kill me. So I haven't started taking it yet. I'm trying to be more calm. We will see how that goes.

I've been having some problems with my right upper leg area. I guess a side affect of pregnancy is something called Sciatica. Its pressure on your sciatic nerve. Well it is VERY painful and is making working REALLY difficult right now. Tonight I had to expo and I was in SO much pain, I could barely stand. If I put any pressure on my right leg or my right toes, a shooting pain goes through my butt and upper leg and it feels like my who leg is going to give out on me. I can't wait to see the doctor and see what I can do about this. The ER doctor told me that the best we could really do was to take tylenol and rest. Well its tough to rest when you work at a restaurant!

I was pretty moody at work tonight! Expo is tough to do at any time, then when you are pregnant, its just really stressful. It was tough to handle the other servers getting all freaked out about how long their food was taking or whatever. I got really stressed out. As much as that bothers me, I don't really know how to prevent that. I get offended and super sad really easily. I suppose there isn't really too much that I can do about that though. I do what I can!

Blogging feels like it helps a little! Its nice to have something to do on the internet to distract me. Today, to distract me, we went to a paint your own pottery studio. That was tons of fun. Scott painted a monkey for me, and I painted a little pot :) I'm excited to see how they turn out. It was a pretty good day over all. I'm just doing my best to make it through each day.

I can't WAIT to go home over next weekend. I'm pretty sure that I don't work on Saturday night, so I'm thinking we will try to leave that night. On Sunday we are going to a pasta lunch at church with Mom and Dad. I'm just excited to see everyone again and be less stressed. Being at my house recently has been tough, so I look forward to being with people who care about me a lot and know how to make me feel better!

"If Men Got Pregnant"

Found this online, and thought it was cute

~ Maternity leave would last for two years....with full pay.

~There would be a cure for stretch marks.

~Natural childbirth would become obsolete.

~Morning sickness would rank as the nation's #1 health problem.

~All methods of birth control would be 100% effective.

~Children would be kept in the hospital until potty trained.

~Men would be eager to talk about commitment.

~They wouldn't think twins were so cute.

~Briefcases would be used as diaper bags.

~Paternity suits would be a fashion line of clothes.

~They'd stay in bed during the entire pregnancy.

~Restaurants would include ice cream and pickles as main entrees.

~Women would rule the world. (Don't we already :) )

Friday, March 5, 2010

The "How We Found Out" Story!

Well, I have to say, we definitely were not expecting this, and we were definitely not trying! However, it is definitely one of the most amazing surprises! I have to say that I am very scared, but I know I have my amazing family, and a lot of friends, who I know are going to support me. My parents and Scott's family, are amazing right now. They are being very supportive and helpful at this time. Its a really stressful time for Scott and I, and it really helps to have parents and siblings that love you and will help you in the times you need it most.

SO here we go! The story you want to hear! :) :

Well, it was Thursday, February 11th. I had my first chiropractic appointment that morning, and went in early to fill out some paperwork. I had a lot of lower back problems and they wanted to do some x-rays of my back, so I had to fill out a form saying that I wasn't pregnant; and when my last menstrual cycle was. Well, I just couldn't sign the form, because I honestly didn't know. I knew that my last cycle had been late December. It was the second week in February, and I wasn't really worried that I didn't have my cycle yet, because I've always been kind of off and never remember. So I told them I couldn't do the x-rays.

We finished the initial appointment, but they really wanted the x-rays, so they asked me to go get a test, then come back in the afternoon for the x-rays. Well, I stopped by Walgreens on the way home and grabbed a test. I wasn't really thinking anything would come of it, I was nervous, but I do remember being excited that the tests were on sale! haha. :)

Well I went home and did the test, and I SWEAR, before I finished washing my hands, the thing flashed "pregnant."

I couldn't believe it! I had been late before, and it normally was stress. I was so scared, I freaked out and...(though I'm not happy that this is part of the story) I had a huge panic attack! I went into the living room and fell to the floor hypervenalating! Scott heard me and came running downstairs. He kept asking me "What's wrong?!" and I pointed to the test on the floor. He looked at it and hugged me saying " it's going to be alright." I know now that he was excited and scared.

All I could think about was telling my mom and dad. I wanted to do it RIGHT away, so I squeaked out "I need my phone." I called my mom every where that I could think of to possibly find her. Of course, being the crazy busy person she is, I couldn't find her anywhere. I left her a message and quickly called my dad. He answered and I told him "please don't get mad." and I told him. All he kept telling me was to just calm down and it would be okay. As I was talking to my dad, he helped calm me down a lot, my mom called back, and I was able to tell her. She told me to call the doctor and come home to go tonight. (we had already been planning on driving down that night after work.)

So I called the doctor, and we left immediately. As we drove, I barely talked. I was just so scared. What if this was all a mistake? What if the test was wrong? What if I couldn't do it? What if something went wrong? All Scott was thinking was "I wonder where I can get a Space Marine plush toy?" haha. I had to call into work, and we got to the doctor around 2:30. I took a test and it was confirmed, I was pregnant. So we had to answer a lot of questions about our health and such. I was worried because I had drank during the first weeks of my pregnancy. My doctor told me it wasn't too big of a deal because it was SO early, that unless I drank EVERYDAY, it wouldn't be that bad. And that if I stopped immediately, everything would be fine! Well I did! haha.

Then I had give them about half my blood, for a bunch of tests. They tested me for everything from HIV, to rabies! :-P Actually I had no idea what they were really testing me for! I just obliged and handed over what they wanted! Good thing too, because I found out later that I was pretty anemic (so was my mom during all her pregnancies) so I had to start taking iron supplements. Then we were scheduled for an ultrasound the next afternoon.

The night was still pretty stressful, just letting everything sink in. I'm so lucky to have my parents, they were so calm about everything. I think they knew that this was just as stressful of a time for me, without any added worries. I thanked my mom a lot for being so helpful and calm about everything. It really helped me more than I think they know.

The next days ultrasound seemed to take forever to come, and not JUST because I had to drink a million tons of water and hold it for what felt like HOURS! I had to have 32 oz. of water in my bladder by 2:30pm. Our appointment was at 3:30, so I had to hold it for an HOUR! Now, I have a small bladder to BEGIN with, PLUS I was pregnant! SERIOUSLY it SUCKED!! Especially on the ride there! Poor Scott, I got SO CRABBY because EVERY bump and fall hurt SO Bad, thats how bad I had to go to the bathroom! Seriously. Then when I got there, I had to wait for FOUR HOURS (aka 5 minutes). The Ultrasound Tech, called my name and said "I could tell it was you by the look on your face!" haha. FUNNY.

So when we got in the room, she tried to do the doppler test, which is the little gel and wand on your stomach, but she couldn't find anything. So...I got to go to the bathroom! and we did a T/V Ultrasound. The bathroom was so beautiful! But the most beautiful thing that I got to see that day was yet to come. When we started, I was worried because I felt like she wasn't finding anything. Apparently, she was just looking at my ovaries and measuring, and she said everything looked great. All I could think was, super but where is my baby?! Well....there it was. A little black spot, with a small white spot, and a flashing spot. Thats about all I can describe it as. If you've never had one or seen one...its something that really can't be described...especially because at first..I had NO clue what I was looking at!


Well, the big black area is the gestational sac. On the upper right part of the gestational sac, was a small white sac, called the yoc sac, which hold nutrients and stuff. Then (on the ultrasound picture) that gray part at the top, was our amazing, beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous baby!! Though, when we saw the screen, all I could really seen from where I was, was a flashing. Which was the heartbeat at a good 122 bpm. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. To know that I have another heart beating away inside of me...was inSANE! I couldn't believe it. I started crying, but I had to make myself stop pretty quick because I wanted to be able to see my little bean as long as I possibly could!
So we got a couple pictures of him/her, and were sent on our way! They said everything looked great.

Well that's pretty much the just of the story! :) The important stuff.
Its still a scary time because, as my doctor told me, 40% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. I had hope though because:
A.) I'm young. Between the ages of 16-25, your body WANTS to have a baby. It feels like it is MEANT to be having a baby and will try really hard to, so even if you're on the pill, like ME, you can still get pregnant.
B.) I'm "healthy." I have a healthy uterus and ovaries.
C.) I don't have a bad history of problems.
D.) Most miscarriages happen before women even know that they are pregnant.

and (the biggest one of all, for me that is) E.) Once you see your baby's heartbeat on the screen, your risk of miscarriage goes down to about 5%. We saw our beautiful baby's heartbeat on the screen at 6 weeks and 2 days! That's very early and a good sign.

I'm just holding on to what hope I have. Its hard these days, with all the hormones and my anxiety problems...but I'm doing what I can to stay strong for me and for , more importantly, our baby!

Starting my blog!

Well after some thought, I decided to give this a shot! I have wanted to start a pregnancy blog for a little while now. I think it will help me remember everything that I am going through. It will help me keep all my thoughts straight and MAYBE, just maybe, help me keep some of my emotions in check.

Its difficult right now because its been 3 weeks (officially today) since we've seen our little one on the ultrasound. I can't wait to see it again, however until that time, I need to find some ways to relax and not worry so much about what is happening inside of me.

As of now, I'm thinking this blog will be just for me, but if you come across it, or I share it with you, I hope you can enjoy reading about one of the craziest times in my life!